About Mission
The Mission magazine is published by NEWSTECA
a b2b publishing house covering all aspects of business travel, mobility and fleet management.
Two leading publications in their respective sectors, more than a hundred training courses organised, successful national conferences and workshops: thanks to this wealth of experience, today, the Newsteca publishing house is the most authoritative point of reference in Italy for companies wishing to optimise the management of their business travel and company car fleet.
The company currently publishes Mission – The Business Travel Magazine, leader in Italy in the business travel sector, and the bi-monthly MissionFleet – The Company Car Magazine, dedicated to the complex issues related to the management of car fleets. Newsteca has also published specialist volumes on hot topics in the sector.

The publishing house is also active online with www.missionline.it, the only Italian portal that offers the latest news and insights relating to all aspects of corporate mobility and business travel.

Events and Training
For several years, Newsteca has been active in organising workshops, debates and round tables with the contribution of the most authoritative operators. The top events include the IMAs, the Italian Mission Awards , the first Italian awards in the business travel sector and the MFAs, the MissionFleet Awards , the Italian award dedicated to the corporate fleet sector, www.missionforum.it the only Italian forum dedicated to the corporate travel and car mobility management.
In addition, Newsteca offers training courses, Business Travel Schools that provide Travel Managers with the key tools for optimal employee travel management.